
Sunday, February 6, 2022

All Must Save for Retirement, Says Hickory Editor, Feb. 6, 1922

A Vital Question

There is nothing wrong with this country. There may be something wrong with the people of the United States, and if there is, one’s finger cannot be pointed directly at it.

It is not hard to guess. In fact, it doesn’t require any guessing at all.

The trouble with this country, as the figures show, is that nearly everybody is going headlong into extravagances without considering the cost. When a business concern does that it becomes insolvent; if soon ceases to be a business concern at all.

Every sensible person should save some money every pay-day. It may be a dollar or it maybe be $10. But he should save. His living expenses should be cut to the point where he can save.

We have institutions in Hickory which are making a strong appeal to save. These propositions deserve the utmost consideration. They mean the difference between a competency in old age and dependency, in many cases.

One’s earing power diminishes as he grows older. It is better to be hard pushed when has strength and health and youth than when one is waiting for the last summons. There is not a person who reads this who cannot save a little money every week.

If he has no other consideration besides a purely selfish one—and this is praiseworthy in this matter—he can have the satisfaction of knowing that his money if placed in the bank is building the country in which he lives. It is working for him and the community all the time.

From the editorial page of the Hickory Daily Record, Monday, Feb. 6, 1922

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