
Monday, February 7, 2022

Margaret Owens Won't Dye Cats to Match Her Clothes, Draperies, Feb. 7, 1922

To Stop Dying Cats to Match Her Garb

New York, Feb. 7—Miss Margaret Owen, 22, a singer, has her freedom today because she has promised Magistrate Hatting that she will never again dye her cats to harmonize with her house draperies or the vivid-hued clothing she wears.

Miss Owen was hauled before the magistrate when agents of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals testified she had dyed a valuable pet feline blue to match draperies in her home. The animal died, witnesses testified.

“If I consent to be lenient,” said Magistrate Hatting, “I want you to go back to Florida and stopy dying cats.”

She promised.

From the front page of The Charlotte News, Feb. 7, 1922

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