
Wednesday, February 23, 2022

B.M. Ferree's Car Accidentally Kills Ernest Netherton, Says Coroner's Jury, Feb. 23, 1922

Auto Accident Unavoidable According to Coroner’s Jury at Spartanburg—B.M. Ferree Released on Bond

The following account of the deplorable accident in which a car driven by a Rutherford county citizen killed Mr. Ernest Netherton, is taken from the Spartanburg Herald.

“An inquest over the dead body of Ernest Netherton, white man, who was run over and killed Friday, Feb. 17, by an auto driven by P.M. Ferree, a farmer, of Caroleen, N.C., was held in the Floyd undertaking parlors at 3:30 o’clock. The verdict of the coroner’s jury was that the deceased came to his death by being struck by an auto driven by P.M. Ferree, that the hitting was accidental and recommended further investigation. Mr. Ferree immediately afterwards went to the sheriff’s office, obtained permission to get bondsmen and then returned with his bondsmen. Judge Thomas S. Sease signed the order and fixed bond in the sum of $2,000. G.S. Hawkins and J. Smith, both of Caroleen, were Mr. Ferree’s bondsmen. Mr. Ferree proceeded tohis home immediately after complying with bond requirements.

Mr. Ferree testified at the inquest that he was driving near Whitney, and just as he passed a wagon a man stepped out from behind it, became confused and stepped inf front of the on-coming car. Other witnesses corroborated Mr. Ferree’s testimony. “Funeral services for Mr. Netherton were held Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock at Liberty church. The deceased is survived by Mrs. Emma Netherton of Tucapau, his wife, and the following four children: N.E. Netherton, Boiling Springs; C.H. Tucapau; Miss Eura and Miss Cordelia, Spartanburg.”

From the Forest City Courier, Rutherford County, N.C., Thursday, Feb. 23, 1922

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