
Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Thomas Ray's Determination to Marry Annie Russ Pays Off, Feb. 23, 1922

Married After Difficulties

Love laughs at locksmiths, according to the old saying. And that determination wins is equally as well known.

All of which leads us to say that Mr. Thos. Ray of Gastonia is a young man of much determination, and he was put to heroic straits in his endeavor to get a marriage license to wed the girl of his choice, Miss Annie Russ, daughter of Mr. L.F. Russ, a well known farmer of Bostic, route one. Mr. Ray’s trouble all arose when he tried to get a doctor to examine him preparatory to getting the marriage license.

He came into Forest city Saturday night and spent much time trying to find a physician, but failed. Nothing daunted, he hastened to Rutherfordton and met with no better success there, and his efforts by that time had carried her and his party into the wee sma’ hours. Into the machine and off to Ellenboro went the party. Nothing doing there, the party came back to Forest City early Sunday morning, and here it was that perseverance was rewarded, for the party found Dr. Reid, and the coveted papers were made out in short order. Back to Rutherfordton went the party, and the couple were married in their machine by Magistrate Bean.

At least this is the story that was told to the Courier by a well known Forest city resident, who said he was a member of the party.

We are not writing this article in a light vein, but as a tribute to the determination and perseverance of young Mr. Ray. With the “pep” he has he should succeed in life, and here’s “wishin’.”

The groom is a well known young man. He is connected with his big cotton mill and resides at Gastonia, where the young couple will make their home.

From the front page of The Forest City Courier, Thursday, Feb. 23, 1922

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