
Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Jeweler, Policeman Are Suspected Arsonists, Feb. 15, 1922

Arrests in Alleged Ring of Fire Bug

Henderson, Feb. 15—Geo. A. Wyckoff, jeweler, and watch inspector for the Seaboard Air Line railway and W.F. Wooten, well-known young white man and former member of the police force here, were placed under bond of $25,000 each by recorder R.J. Southerland here today on a charge of conspiracy in connection with an alleged incendiary fire in a local furniture store on the morning of January 12.

The ruling of the court was that if the bonds were not given the men should be taken to the State prison at Raleigh for safe keeping.

The decision followed testimony to the court today by Jesse Carter, switchman on a yard engine of the Seaboard Air Line railroad here and of a rather prominent family who was indicted with W.F. Wooten two days after the fire occurred and tried on a charge of arson. Bonds for each were fixed at $6,000 at that time and both were bailed out pending the March term of Vance county Superior Court. Wooten was rearrested with Wyckoff on last Monday night on the conspiracy charge following Carter’s statement privately to officers and attorneys last Sunday. Carter’s testimony in court today had to do with certain activities of an alleged ring of fire bugs believed to be responsible for many of the fires which have occurred here in recent months.

From The Daily Times, Wilson, N.C., Feb. 15, 1922

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