
Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Editor Doubts Proclamations of Presbyterian Minister, Feb. 15, 1922

Knows Too Much

The Presbyterian minister of Philadelphia, when he essays to know what the court language of Heaven is, and declares that Telepathy only is used by the Father, the Holy Ghost and Christ for Communication and that these never had any physical organs of speech, is reaching too far into the mysterious and is losing respect for things beyond the veil, that it is unlawful for any man to utter, even if he were informed on the subject.

To say that God has no way to communicate His thoughts and purposes to men, except through telepathy, denies the scripture which time and time again says that he spoke to the patriarchs and men of old. Not only knowing all things and the way that all things originate, and their course through the ages, he knows all the languages of men If this is not true why on the day of Pentecost, the people gathered there from every part of the known globe, speaking different languages, understood each other. Again the Lord confounded their tongues and he distributed the descendants of Shem, Ham and Japeth to the different parts of the earth. Evidently he did this in order to people the world, and to make it inconvenient for them to dwell together.

The higher criticism may not be able to figure out how the worlds turn over, and man was evolved according to their scientific hypothesis, but when it comes to saying that God has no physical way of communicating His thoughts he is going entirely too far with theories that have raced so far and fast that they have grown ridiculous and without the least scintilla of common sense.

From the editorial page of The Daily Times, Wilson, N.C., Feb. 15, 1922, John D. Gold, editor; Miss Daisy Hendley, managing editor.

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