
Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Wright, Royster, Hurt, Jordan, Williams, Ward Found Guilty in Mayor's Court, Feb. 15, 1922

Mayor’s Court

Mayor Killette this morning spent three negroes to the roads for loitering and vagrancy. The negroes related that they came from Greenville here in search of work, that they left home at midnight night before last and walked all the way. He reasoned that if they had walked 39 miles their clothes should be wet and their feet should be muddy. Their clothes were not wet, and the mayor compelled the men to put their feet on the railing that their shoes might be inspected. The Mayor declared that they were too free of mud for a tramp of that distance. The men will go to Mr. Massey’s convict camp for 30 days. They gave their names as W.W. Wright, Burt Royster, and Ike Hurt.

Three negroes were up for taking a suit case belonging to Grover Hamm, another negro who worked at the Center Brick Warehouse. Henry Jordan was the principal actor securing the suit case first, and the other negroes were indicted for aiding and abetting in the crime. Jordan was given 12 months. Lester Williams and Jesse Ward were fined $54.25. All were given five months. They will probably go to the roads.

From The Daily Times, Wilson, N.C., Feb. 15, 1922

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