
Friday, February 4, 2022

Penick, Tift, Amuty, Cololough, Bailey Death Notices, Feb. 4, 1922

Mr. Penick’s Father Dead in Tuscaloosa

Following an illness of several days, Rev. E.A. Penick Sr., rector of Christ Episcopal church, Tuscaloosa, Ala., died Friday night at his home in that place. Pneumonia was the cause of his death. Funeral services will be held there Sunday afternoon at 5:30 o’clock, it was announced in a message received here.

Mr. Penick was the father of Rev. E.A. Penick Jr., rector of St. Peter’s Episcopal church, of this city, who went to Tuscaloosa early in the week in response to a telegram informing him that the condition of his father was considered serious.

The deceased is survived by his widow and one other son, Clifton H. Penick. All were present at the time of his death.

Mr. Penick was well known in Charlotte, having visited here on several occasions and preached in St. Peter’s Episcopal church. Several members of the congregation received telegrams announcing his death Friday night, including J.H. Cutter, Frank Wilkes, Heriot Clarkson and others.



Tifton, Ga., Feb 4—H.H. Tift, 83 years old, the founder of Tifton and for whom the county of Tift was named, died this morning at 2:22 o’clock after an illness of three days. Mr. Tift was a multi-millionaire with extensive interests throughout Georgia. Mr. Tift was taken ill last Tuesday with an attack of vertigo.

In Tifton he was regarded as the father of the city and was a civic and financial leader. He is survived by three son, H.H. Jr., and T.W. Tift, and Amos Tift, the latter of Atlanta.



Lynchburg, Va., Feb. 4—James W. Ahmuty, superintendent of the Lynchburg branch of the Consolidated Textile Corporation, died here yesterday after a long illness. He was born at Blackstone, Mass., in 1871, and before coming to Lynchburg in 1916 was manager of several large mills in Alabama and North Carolina. Besides his wife he is survived by one sister and by his father, James Ahmuty of Concord, N.H.



Asheville, Feb. 4—Madame Mary Colcolough, for 10 years a member of the St. Geneivieve of the Pines faculty here, died last night after a prolonged illness. She was 62 years of age and was born in Dublin, Ireland.



Statesville, Feb. 4—Augustus W. Bailey, aged 66 years, died Thursday afternoon at his home in Sharpsburg township. He had been ill for a year or more with Brights disease and high blood pressure. Burial took place Friday afternoon at Snow Creek church. Mr. Bailey was never married and lived at the hold home with his two surviving sisters and two brothers, all of whom were unmarried, the sisters being Misses Mary and Laura Bailey and the brothers William and John Bailey.

From The Charlotte News, Feb. 4, 1922

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