
Monday, February 14, 2022

Traffic Laws Will Not Be Enforced Until Wealthy Person Suffers, Feb. 14, 1922

When Some Prominent Person Is Killed the Howl Will Go Up!

An intelligent citizen who is in close touch with this city said to ye editor one day this week, “Why don’t you write about the way the people violate the street traffic laws?” and then we asked him what he had in mind that should be written about. First, he thought people were permitted to drive too fast in the business section of the town. Some drive so fast that every man who is on the street is in danger. And this is to be noticed at almost any hour of the day or night.

Every one knows that it is a violation to cross Oak street on Main at a rapid rate and yet you can see cars of speed that is very much above the legal limit.

But what is the use? A few years ago the editor of this newspaper had two children badly hurt by cars, and for awhile much was in print about the violation of the traffic laws, but any good came from it we were not able to observe it.

One of these days some prominent man will be killed here or his wife or child dragged to a miserable death by some careless driver and then we will enforce the laws. Until that lesson is learned by suffering we are going to drift along in the careless indifferent way we are now going. After the mangled form of some little child is carried into the home of some wealthy citizen in holy horror and say all kinds of things about the man who violates every traffic law on the books.

From the Mt. Airy News as reprinted in The Monroe Journal, Tuesday, February 14, 1922

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