
Friday, February 4, 2022

With 394 Births to 84 Deaths, No Race Suicide in Stanly County, Feb. 3, 1922

No Race Suicide Here

Stanly County had 394 births and 84 deaths during the past six months, according to the Report of the Bureau of Vital Statistics of Raleigh, forwarded to Mr. C.C. Little, the County Treasurer, dated January 26, 1922.

Dr. F.M. Register, M.D., Deputy State Registrar, in his letter to Mr. Little stated: “The registration as a whole has been splendid in the State the past year.”

From December 1920 to December 1921 there were 340 marriage licenses issued in Stanly County. Despite Harding and hard times, our folks just ill marry. And say, young married people, did you know that the first thing you should buy after setting up house keeping is a Bible, and the next to subscribe for The Stanly News-Herald. These will start you off right, and some day they will give you luck.

From The Stanly News-Herald, Albemarle, N.C., Feb. 3, 1922

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