
Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Auto Wreck, The Flu, Other Local News From Walnut Cove, Gap, Madison, Danbury, Moore's Springs, March 15, 1922

Auto Wreck Near Walnut Cove. . . G.L. Jarvis and Others Hurt—News and Personal Items

Walnut Cove, March 14—A very serious automobile accident occurred half way between Dennis and Fulk stations on the Winston-Salem road Monday night when an Essex car driven by Mr. Sanders of Walnut Cove, collided head-on with Hollis’ truck driven by Mr. Lewellyn Neal of Meadows. Occupying the Essex car were Messrs. Sanders, G.L. Jarvis, N.R. Martin and Mr. Haley, all of Walnut Cove, and all were hurt more or less, Mr. Jarvis being right badly cut when his hand went through the windshield. Others of the party received slight cuts and bruises., The wounded were brought back to the home of Mr. Sanders at Stokersburg where Dr. Tuttle dressed their wounds. Mr. Neal and Mr. Hollins, who were in the truck, were not hurt except a slight cut received by Mr. Hollins. The Essex car, belonging to Mr. Sanders, was completely demolished.

Mrs. John A. Burton, who recently underwent an operation in a Winston-Salem, who has been acting pastor of the Baptist church here for the past year, tendered his resignation Sunday night. Mr. Ward was very much liked by his congregation here, and they see him leave with sincere regret. Rev. J.T. Ratledge, pastor of the Methodist church at Stokesburg, has a regular appointment now to preach in the Baptist church here on the first Sunday night in each month.

Miss Elizabeth Fulton, who recently came home to recuperate from an operation for appendicitis, has returned to her studies at the N.C. College for Women in Greensboro.

Miss Claude Rierson has returned home from an extended visit to friends in Winston-Salem.

Miss Carrie Butt, music teacher in the high school here, has resigned her position on account of ill health and returned to her home near Washington, N.C.

Mrs. Dr. A.G. Jones is ill with influenza at Dalton. She was recently taken sick while on a visit to her sister, Mrs. Georgia Dalton. Dr. Jones is with her.

Mr. P.W. Davis, who has been in Greensboro for some days taking treatment under Dr. Tansler, has returned home much improved.

Mrs. Carrie Boyles and mother, Mrs. L.G. Lewis, are ill with influenza at the home of Mrs. Boyles.

Mr. and Mrs. E.D. Matthews of Winston-Salem spent the week end with Mrs. Matthews’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Vaughn.

Miss Ora Boyles has recently been very sick with something like acute indigestion and tonsilitis. She was taken to the Lawrence hospital in Winston-Salem for treatment Sunday night.

The body of George Williams, who died here last Monday at the home of her father-in-law, Franklin Taylor, was shipped Sunday to the home of the deceased at Waynesboro, Va.

Mrs. Charles J. Lambe of Greensboro is the guest of her people here, Dr. Jones and family.

Mr. Abe D. Jones of the Twin City spent Sunday here with homes folks.

Mr. C.S. Hutcherson of Winston-Salem spent Sunday here with his parents, Rev. and Mrs. C.R. Hutcherson.


Flu Epidemic in Gap Section. . . Mrs. Laura McKinney Dead—Survived by Many Relatives

Gap, March 13—Mrs. Laura McKinney passed away at her home here on March 10th and was laid to rest at Capella burying ground on Sunday. Mrs. McKinney leaves eight children, 25 grand-children and 18 great-grand-children, besides a host of other relatives and friends to mourn their loss. She was 77 years, 1 month and 12 days of age. She was a member of the Methodist church at Vade Mecum. The funeral services were conducted by her Pastor, Rev. J.J. Eads. There was a large number of sorrowing relatives and friends present. The surviving children are: Miss Mattie McKinney, Mrs. I.C. Boles, and Mr. L.W. McKinney of this section; Mr. Quince McKinney of Westfield; Mr. Bob McKinney of High Point; Mrs. Robert Lawson of Liberty; Mrs. J. Cooke of Winston-Salem; and Mrs. John Harvey of High Point. Mr. McKinney had been confined to her room for about seven years, but bore her suffering patiently.

There is quite a lot of sickness in this community at present. Mr. Jesse Pyrtle is among those who have recently been sick.

Mr. C.A. Mickey and family are all confined to their home with flu.

Mr. L.W. McKinney and family, all of whom have had the flu, are now improving, we are glad to know.

Mrs. John R. Morefield is right sick at this writing, we regret to know.

Miss Trilby Love spent the week end with home folks at King.

Dr. and Mrs. R.H. Morefield spent the day last week in Winston-Salem shopping.

Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Burwell spent Thursday in Winston-Salem with their daughter, Mrs. Claud Simmons.

Mr. Troy Young is ill with the flu.

Robert, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Sid Love of Vade Mecum, is very sick at this writing.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Loman of Twin City are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. D.C. Taylor.


News of Madison

Madison, March 13—Mr. W.H. Nance returned Saturday from the hospital and is rapidly improving, we are glad to know. Those who visited Miss Ada Mitchell Sunday were Misses Alice, Grace and Ethel Gibson, Eve Fagg and Lillie Williams and Messrs. Edd Fagg, Edd Williams, Pete Gibson, Pat Williams and some others. All of the young folks apparently had a fine time.

Messrs. Arthur Fagg and Carol Manuel called on Miss Bessie Knight Sunday.

Mr. W.C. Fagg went to Walnut Cove on business Thursday.

Mrs. Major Martin does not improve from her illness any, we regret to know.

The residence of Mr. James Powell was burned late Sunday evening.


Local News Items

Mr. Laura D. Hole of Route one was among the visitors in town today.

Ex-Sheriff E.O. Shelton of Moore’s Springs was among the visitors in Danbury yesterday.

Dr. C.J. Helsabeck of Germanton was here Sunday enroute to Hartman to visit the sick child of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hartman. Messrs. I.W. Ellis and C.V. Weaver of Winston-Salem are here this week, having in charge of the installation of the plumbing in the court house.

Mr. Peter Mounce of Meadows had the misfortune to cut his foot right badly today while attending a chopping at the home of Mr. R.L. Ray near Danbury.


Moore’s Springs

Moore’s Springs, March 13—There is quite a lot of sickness in this community at present. Among those sick is the small son of Mr. and Mrs. Sid Love, the little fellow having pneumonia.

Mr. C.A. Mickey and family are sick with influenza.

Mrs. Charlie Bennett and children, of Gap visited at Mr. W.A. Bennett’s Sunday afternoon.

From the Danbury Reporter, Wednesday, March 15, 1922

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