
Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Car Accident, Accident at Drug Store, March 22, 1922

Mr. Oakler in Automobile Accident

Last Sunday evening as D.W. Oakley and C.C. Garrett were returning from Durham, a car seemed to be headed straight for Mr. Oakley, who was driving a Ford companion he tried to get out of the way and ran into the bank, smashing the front wheel of his car. Fortunately the occupant of the Ford was not hurt, and the driver of the car causing the accident waved his hand without even slowing up his machine and said “I am sorry.”


Accident at Drug Store

On last Friday night two young men were scuffling in the Newton Wilkerson Drug Company’s drug store and in some manner one of them fell through the front window completely demolishing the plate glass. Strange to say, there was hardly a scratch on the boy who fell through the window. Those in the melee were Mr. Eldridge Day and Worth Moore.

From the front page of The Roxboro Courier, March 22, 1922

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