
Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Masten-Featherstone Wedding; News from Jalong, March 22, 1922


On last Wednesday morning Mr. Gilmer Masten and Miss Bertha Featherstone were married in Danville, Va. Messrs. J.W. Featherstone and Fred Masten accompanied them to Danville. Mr. Masten is one of the well known progressive young men of the town, while Mrs. Masten is one of the most popular young ladies of the younger set, being the youngest daughter of Mr. an Mrs. T.P. Featherston.


News From Jalong

Miss Evelyn Cozart spend last Saturday night in Roxboro visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Clayton, on Depot Street. Mr. E.S. Regan ad Mancy Clayton spent Saturday in South Boston, Va.

Mr. Mat Dickerson has bought a new Ford.

Come out people to the Sunday evening service at the Baptist church, beginning at 7 o’clock. You don’t know what you are missing when you miss hearing Rev. Mr. Todd.

Last Sunday morning in Sunday School we were treated with a duet sung by Ruby Walker and Jeanette Cole.

Mr. J.W. Walters took out his Ford Saturday to drive to Roxboro and he enjoyed driving so much that he did not stop until the backend of his car shed stopped him.

Miss Carrie Todd of Wake Forest spent Sunday night with Miss Evelyn Cozart.

Miss Dora Clayton of Roxboro spent Sunday in Jalong with her sister, Mrs. C.S. Cozart.

Buy your drugs from the Longhurst Drug Co. and get served right.


From the front page of The Roxboro Courier, March 22, 1922

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