
Saturday, March 5, 2022

Charlotte News Summary, March 5, 1922

City News Told In Tabloid Form

--L.C. McMichael, of No. 1 Watkins Court, who underwent an operation at the Mercy hospital Monday, is showing steady improvement.

--H. McKee Jamieson is very ill at his home on Tuckaseege road. All his relatives have been called to his bedside. --James Renwick Wilkes Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Renwick Wilkes, is somewhat improved at his home on Lamar avenue, following a severe illness with grippe.

--E.B. Bridges will be the speaker at the boys’ meeting at the Y.M.C.A. Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock. Boys and young men of the city, regardless of membership in the “Y”, are invited.

--The funeral of R.C. Little, well-known farmer, who died Friday at his home in Mallard Creek, was conducted Saturday morning at Mount Zion church by Rev. C.H. Little, pastor of Sharon church.

--At a membership meeting of the Charlotte Lodge, No. 392, of Elks, held Friday night, the following officers were elected for the year: L.L. Hunter, exalted ruler; A.J. Jocking, esteemed leading knight; R.E. Helms, loyal knight; W.B. Pratt, lecturing knight; H.S. Bryan, secretary, and Robert Garnett, treasurer.

--James A. Flaherty of New Haven, Conn., supreme knight of the Knights of Columbus, will arrive in Charlotte Monday morning and will be the guest of C.F. Linthicum, State officer for North Carolina. Mr. Flaherty will be guest at a luncheon at the Southern Manufacturers’ Club at 1 o’clock, and at 8 p.m. will address the Charlotte council at the K. of C. hut.

--A local Pan-Hellenic council of Charlotte members of national sororities will be organized Thursday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock when the sorority women will meet at the home of Miss Augusta Laxton, 803 East avenue. After the local council is organized, application for affiliation with the National Pan-Hellenic will be made. All sorority women in Charlotte are invited to attend the meeting.

--Dr. W.W. Olive of Durham, brother of Mrs. J.M. Harry of this city, is in the Mayo hospital, Rochester, Minn., where he expects to undergo a serious operation. A year ago he underwent an operation, but his condition has again become serious and an operation has been found necessary. Mr. and Mrs. Harry expect to go to Rochester and be with him when he is ready for the operation.

--W.S. Creighton, traffic manager of the Charlotte Shippers and Manufacturers’ Association, will leave Sunday for Washington, where he will be in conference for three days with Wade H. Ellis, commerce lawyer and former assistant attorney general in Roosevelt’s administration, regarding freight rate reductions for the South. Mr. Ellis has been retained as counsel by the Southern Traffic League, of whose executive committee Mr. Creighton is chairman.

--A special meeting of the Charlotte chapter of Disabled American Veterans of the World War will be held Monday night at the Mint building. Important business will be taken up, it is announced, in regard to the forthcoming convention of disabled veterans of North Carolina that is to be held here March 24 and 25. The call for the Monday night meeting is sent out under the name of E.B. Thornburg, State executive chairman of the Disable American Veterans of the World War.

From The Charlotte News, Sunday, March 5, 1922

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