
Sunday, March 27, 2022

Deaths, Explosion, Other News From N.C., March 27, 1922

State News Briefs

Killed As He Slept

Gastonia, March 25—Harry Shuford, aged 30, well known manufacturer of this city, was found dead in his room at a hotel in Bessemer City this morning, his skull crushed. The door was locked and the windows fastened and the affair is a mystery. He had evidently been killed while he slept. Announcement of his approaching marriage in April had been made only a short while ago.


Still Explosion Fatal

Rocky Mount, March 26—A.E. Addeholt, a farmer who operated a small store in Nash County, was burned to death Sunday in a fire that destroyed his home, thought to have started from the explosion of a still in the house, which it is believed he was operating. His wife and niece barely escaped with their lives.


Hurt Blowing Up Stumps

Tarboro, March 25—W.L. Reasons of Pinetops, near here, was seriously and probably fatally injured yesterday morning while using dynamite to blow up a stump on the farm. The fuse had been lighted and after waiting for some time without any explosion, Mr. Reasons decided that it had gone out and started to relight a fuse.


Sea Mystery Echo

Beaufort, March 25—A bottle containing a note purporting to be signed by an engineer aboard the navy Collier Cyclops, which disappeared at sea in 1917, was picked up today northeast of Cape Lookout. The note stated that a German submarine was close by, that all hands had been ordered on board the U-boat and that the Cyclops was to be torpedoed.


Conductor Drops Dead

North Wilkesboro, March 25—C.F. Crutchfield, freight conductor in the employ of the Southern railway for the past 12 years, with a run between here and Winston-Salem, dropped dead while on his way from his train to his home here Thursday, heart disease causing is death. The body was carried to Greensboro for burial today.


Study County Government

Raleigh, March 25—Governor Morrison has announced the personnel of a commission to study county government and make recommendations as to changes he thinks needed. L.W.H. Stone, J.E. Latham and M. Scales, all of Greensboro, are members of the committee from Guilford county.


Killed in Churchyard

Asheville, March 25—G.W. Garren was stabbed through the heart in a churchyard near here Friday night by Hubert Maxwell. Garren was engaged to have been married in a short while.

From the Greensboro Patriot, Monday, March 27, 1922

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