
Monday, March 28, 2022

Debate Over Route of Proposed Paved Road to Buncombe, March 28, 1922

Two Proposed Routes to Buncombe for Paved Road Elicit Argument. . . Rugby Route Strongly Supported by Mills River Section; Old Route Exponents Say They Represent County’s Permanent Interests

Great interest is centering upon the special meeting of the county commissioners called for Wednesday, March 29, to take action concerning the proposed hard-surfaced road from Hendersonville to the Buncombe county line.

At that meeting the report of the engineers n the survey will be heard from. Road trustees and all citizens and property owners affected by or interested in the location of this road are invited to be present and submit their views.

The commissioners must decide over two possible routes: the old route via Balfour, Hillgirt, Naples, Fletcher; and the new route via Mills River road to Rugby, Naples, Fletcher.

A page advertisement in this issue of The News and signed by 82 citizens is evidence of the support given by advocates of the new route, who assert that “the two lines are almost exactly the same length,” and “that there would not be any substantial difference in the cost of construction.”

The crux of the argument for the Rugby road is that it is better for Henderson county to have two good roads serving different sections than to tear up one good road in order to build a better one in the same place, and that the larger interests of the county would be served in the building of this road through the Mills River section. Those who oppose changing the route by building via Rugby state that the cost of building a hard-surfaced highway to the Buncombe county line via the Mills River section would cost the county many thousands of dollars more, and that it is not at all evident that changing the route would serve any larger number of people. They say also that the old route is more direct. They hold, too, that much of the tourist travel would pass Hendersonville, and Henderson county, if the paved route should go by Rugby, in that the distance to Asheville for those coming from Brevard would be lessened.

From the front page of The Hendersonville News, March 28, 1922

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