
Monday, March 28, 2022

Developer Felix Lake Buys Patterson's Mt. Echo Property, March 29, 1922

Mt. Echo Property Sold to Felix Lake. . . Washington Real Estate Man Buys Patterson Place. . . Beautifully Situated Tract West of City Sold Saturday; Will be Much Improved

The beautiful Mt. Echo property of J.H. Patterson was sold Saturday to Felix Lake of Washington, D.C., by the local real estate agency, Smith, Jackson & Morris. This property comprises 20 acres of land and a large, commodious summer home, which is situated on the tiptop of the mountain west of Hendersonville. A wonderful panoramic view is possible from this estate.

Mr. Lake is a Washington real estate dealer. He became interested in Hendersonville through Fassifern School for Girls, where his daughter is now enrolled. He recently bought the Ewart property on Third Avenue, West, and has bought the Patterson property, it is said, for his daughter.

Mr. Lake contemplates, it is stated, many improvements of the former Patterson place, both in the buildings and grounds, with a view to making it one of the loveliest of the small estates in this section of the country.

The Ewart place is already undergoing improvement, which, it is estimated, will mean an outlay of several thousands of dollars. A large force is at work laying out roads, building drives, and beautifying the 50 acres of grounds contained in this estate. With these improvements, and substantial remodeling and added building, Mr. Lake proposes to make of the Ewart property a model estate.

From the front page of The Hendersonville News, March 28, 1922

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