
Monday, March 28, 2022

News From Henderson County, March 28, 1922

Farm and County News

Commencement at Pleasant Hill Was Well Attended

The commencement exercises of Pleasant Hill school Friday evening were well attended. The proceeds from the entertainment amounted to about $25. An excellent program was given, interspersed with music by the Pleasant Hill string band. Miss Pauline Pace won the first prize in the recitation contest. The second prize was won by Miss Marion Pace. James Drake and Fred Drake won the first and second prizes, respectively, in the declamation contest.



Mr. and Mrs. C.C. Marshall of Hendersonville, Route 1, were the weekend guests of the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. James L. Wade of this section.

Landrum Jones, who has been very sick with flu and pneumonia, is improving.

Mr. and Mrs. O.T. Parry and family, who have been suffering with flu, are improving.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ward of this section had as their dinner guests Sunday, March 26, the following: Mrs. James L. Ward and two sons, Horace and Newton; Mr. and Mrs. C.C. Marshall and little son, Ivory; Miss Nora Bradley, Lawrence Stepp and little sister, Allene.

Lowell and Brownlow Merrell attended church at Dana Baptist church Sunday.

Several of the friends of James L. Ward met at his house Sunday afternoon and took part in a singing.

Mr. and Mrs. A.K. Hyder of Big Hungry section and children, Misses Gracie and Margaret, were the weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. V.A. Byers.

Mr. and Mrs. J.Z. Ward of this section had as their dinner guests Sunday the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.K. Hyder.




Mrs. F.M. Drake has as her guest this week her father, W.S. Dedman.

Miss Dorothy Jamison has been visiting her friend, Miss Virginia Wright.

Miss Julie Holcomb, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. S.L. Fisher, has returned to her home in Tuxedo.

A crowd of young girls from this section went on a picnic Saturday to Sunny Oak Mountain. The party was composed of the following: Misses Eunice Edney, Dorothy Jamison, Virginia Wright, Ollie and Sadie Anders. Mrs. J.R. Edney went as chaperone.

Mrs. T.W. Waddell is ill with flu.

Plato and Hubert Edney of Asheville spend the past week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Edney.

Mrs. F.M. Drake had as her guests last week Mr. and Mrs. N. Drake and Mr. and Mrs. Ned Drake and little daughter, Elizabeth.

Miss Virginia Wright spent the past week-end with her sister, Mrs. D.W. Jones, on Willow street.

The little son of Ab Summey is ill.

Freeman Thomas lost a fine milch cow last week.

Mrs. Tom Williams is ill.

Mr. and Mrs. Ned Drake and little daughter, Elizabeth, who have been visiting here, have returned to their home in Salisbury.



Bear Wallow

Mrs. W.A. Pryor is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.S. Huntley at Hooper’s Creek.

Miss Julia Brookshire of Biltmore visited Mrs. Columbus Oates here Sunday.

Mrs. Columbus Oates, who recently broke her arm, is improving nicely.

Miss Marion Pryor is visiting her brother, Berkley Prior at Chimney Rock.

W.S Shitle of Hendersonville was in the Gap Sunday on the way to his old home in the Chimney Rock section.

Luther P. and Thomas L. Oates of Asheville visited Mr. and Mrs. C. Oates Sunday.

Quay Edney of Edneyville visited Mr. and Mrs. Duey Huntley Sunday.

R.H. Wall has gone to Rutherfordton for a visit to his daughter, Mrs. Rutledge Freeman.


Big Willow

Misses Annie Bell Cantrell and Nellie Mintz spent last Wednesday with Mrs. Wallace Anders of Pleasant Hill.

W.C. Raines, who has been ill, is not improving.

Mrs. W.M. Brown of Pleasant Hill visited her brother, J.W. Mintz, last week.

M.A. Prince lost his mule last week.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mills of Darlington, S.C., March 10, a daughter, Nora Louise. Before here marriage Mrs. Mills was Miss Martha Brown of Pleasant Hill.

J.W. Mintz and J.W. Cantrell made a business trip to Hendersonville Thursday.

Mrs. Martha Drake visited Mrs. J.W. Mintz Thursday.

--Black Eye



J.S. Hefner and son are preparing to build a new mill house here on the Haywood road.

Mrs. Ganard Smith and sister, Miss Daisy Willis, spent Friday with Mrs. R.J. Evans.

Miss Hilda Cathy of Mills River spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. W.N. Evans.

Mrs. Ida Christy has moved to the Merz place in this section.

Mrs. Francis has sold her Mills River farm and moved into this section.

R.J. Evans purchased a fine milch cow recently.

Arnold Liverette had as his dinner guests Sunday, Joe and Sidney Wilfong.

Mont Byers of this section visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Byers of Naples, Sunday.

G.B. Justice, who has been ill for the past week, is improving.

Lock Jamison, Rob, Joe and Jimmie Dalton and Louis Israel attended the carnival at Hendersonville Saturday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Joyce Shook visited Mr. and Mrs. F.G. Smith Sunday.

Turner Evans of Asheville visited his brother, R.V. Evans, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ganard Smith spent Sunday with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.T. Smith, at Naples.

Hobert Evans of Asheville visited his father, R.V. Evans, Sunday.

--Brown Eyes


Summer School at Horse Shoe

Prof. Will Osborne has opened a summer school at Horse Shoe in which he will give instruction in Latin and Algebra.



Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ben Aswood, a son.

B.A. Merrell of this section has been doing some surveying for J.F. Cagle at the Old Blue House Academy, who is dividing his property for his children People of this section are doing some farming and gardening this week.



Blue Ridge

A singing school started at Refuge March 27 with Professor Pane of Asheville as teacher. It will continue for 10 nights, each service beginning at 8 o’clock Walter B. Marshall of Dana and Miss Bernice Case of Flat Rock were quietly married March 25 at Hendersonville. The groom is the son of Thomas Marshall. The bride is the beautiful and attractive daughter of James Case. Both families are well known in this section. Their many friends wish them much happiness and good luck.

Mr. and Mrs. J.T. Pace were dinner guests at J.K. Hill’s Sunday.

A new barn has been built on the J.T. Cagle place.

Misses Nannie, Allie and Ruth Garrett visited Mrs. Nannie Mitchell Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bly Jr. of Hendersonville visited at J.K. Hill’s Sunday.

--Mary Jane


Pleasant Hill

A very large crowd attended prayer meeting and song service Sunday evening at Pleasant Hill. Great interest is being taken in these services.

Mr. and Mrs. Quay Drake and H.E. Drake visited their mother, Mrs. E.A. Drake, Saturday night and Sunday.

Rev. J.L. Ross will preach next Sunday at 3 o’clock at the church here. This will be Mr. Ross’ first time to serve the people since he was called as pastor.

The entertainment at Pleasant Hill school last Friday night was thought to be a great success. The school throughout the term has been very successfully taught by Miss Corpening as principal.

An auto turned over a 20-foot embankment on the Mt. Hebron road Sunday night, seriously injuring J.B. Patterson, the only one who was hurt.

Mrs. Arthur Blythe is very ill with flu.

George and Archibald Drake are seriously sick, having been poisoned by poison ash. (Also called poison sumac.)

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Price and family, Mr. and Mrs. Kirk McCrary and family, visited Mrs. Jim Gilbert of Big Willow Sunday.

Mrs. W.E. Huggins of West Hendersonville has been visiting relatives here recently.

Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Brown were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sing Drake Sunday.

The farmers of this section are getting very busy now and planting gardens.

Mr. Lester, the landscape gardener, who was here last summer, is again in this section. Mr. Lester’s home is in Sioux City, Iowa, but he has been in Knoxville, Tenn., for the past winter.

Mr. and Mrs. Neal Drake visited Mrs. Drake’s sister at Pleasant Grove Sunday.


From The Hendersonville News, March 28, 1922

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