
Monday, March 21, 2022

Thief Uses Pick Axe on 700-Pound Safe Only to Find It Was Empty, March 21, 1922

Pick Safe Apart But Money Is Gone

New Bern, March 20—A 700-pound iron safe in the ticket office of the Norfolk Southern railway at Vanceboro was literally picked to pieces by an unknown person or persons sometime Sunday night according to the statement of Arthur Dail, special agent of road, who was called there to yesterday for an investigation. The only loss was in the damage to the safe. Fortunately, the agent had just taken several hundred dollars in cash out of the safe the night before and when the visitor who forced his way through the door of the office and spent an hour or so hacking the combination and door out of the safe with a pick axe finally got into it, he found only a few old papers. They were left unmolested.

From The Wilmington Morning Star, Tuesday, March 21, 1922

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