
Monday, March 21, 2022

Thieves Take Auto Parts From McIntire's Store, March 21, 1922

McIntire Auto Shop Entered by Thieves. . . $75 Worth of Goods Taken

Thieves entered the automobile shop of M.W. McIntire at No. 5 Dock street some time between 7 and 10 o’clock last night and took one box of small pressed steel magneto breaker heads, valued at $75; five ignition coils, one Atwater Kent ignition system, minus the coil, and escaped, Mr. McIntire reported to the police on finding that the padlock on his front door had been smashed and the place entered.

According to Captain Woolard, in charge of the night force, Mr. McIntire could name no possible suspects, and the police have no clue to the perpetrator of the crime, it is said. An investigation of the robbery was made immediately after the report was received and members of the department will continue their probe today, members of the detective squad probably being assigned to the case.

From The Wilmington Morning Star, Tuesday, March 21, 1922

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