
Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Alexander News, April 6, 1922

Alexander News

Mrs. J.R. Moore, Mrs. L.R. Champion, and Mrs. L.D. Allen, of our village, attended the annual meeting of the Baptist W.M.U., which was held in Charlotte, March 28 to 30. They report a great meeting. The women are going great things for the Master.

Miss Kate Mae Neal, a bright young student of Boiling Springs High School, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Neal.

Mr. Blanton, a ministerial student of Boiling Springs High School, attended church services at the Baptist church here Sunday night.

Miss Lissie Hamrick, from Boiling Springs High School, spent Saturday and Sunday here with her sister, Mrs. C.C. Matheny.

T.A. Moore and two sisters, Misses Mary and Ruth Moore, spent Saturday and Sunday in Shelby.

From the Forest City Courier, April 6, 1922

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