
Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Florence Mill News, April 6, 1922

Florence Mills News

The Rev. C.C. Matheney, of Alexander, wishes to inform the public through this column, that next Sunday afternoon, April 9, following Sunday school at the Welfare House here, a Second Baptist church will be organized about 8 p.m. Rev. W.K. Collins of Cliffside, is expected to preach. Mr. Matheney also requests each attendant to bring along $1 or more as a “Nest Egg” to start the financial obligations for the erection of a nice church building.

Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Kiser, of Route 2, were pleasant visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wilkins Sunday.

The Rev. J.M. Waycaster baptized 15 new converts in the “village swimming pool” Sunday afternoon, as candidates for membership in the Missionary Methodist church.

Mr. H.L. Hardin, of Shelby, was a pleasant visitor here Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Abner Koone and Miss Emma Koone, of Union Mills, route 1, visited relatives here Sunday.

Mr. W.W. Blankenship and family, of Spindale, spent Sunday very presently here with relatives.

Mrs. C.J. Goforth and children, of near Chesnee, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. C.E. Hardin.

Mr. Restelle Flack spent the week-end in Marion and Asheville, sightseeing.

Mrs. Mattie Doggett spent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. Archie Hardin of route 2.

Little Josephine Jr. and Ida McMurry are visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J.W. McGinnis, of Shelby.


A wedding of much interest and a surprise took place at the home of the bride on Saturday night, March 25, at 8:45 where Miss Nannie Parks and Mr. James S. Beam, of Ellenboro, route 3, were joined in matrimony by the bride’s pastor, Rev. S.N. Watson. The only one present was Miss Ila Hamrick, of Spindale, and also her sister, Mrs. J.E. McMurry. The room was beautifully decorated with potted plants. The bride was dressed in white crepe de chene and white duchess satin and ancestress to match. The flowers were carnations. Mr. Beam is a highly respected farmer and was an ex-soldier, having served in the 30th division. We congratulate Mr. Beam for winning such a charming young bride. Their many friends wish them a long and happy life.

From the Forest City Courier, April 6, 1922

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