
Friday, April 29, 2022

Boiler Room Fire at Woolett & Son's Mill, April 29, 1922

Mill Boiler Room Destroyed by Fire

Fire which broke out in the boiler room of E.E. Woolett & Son’s mill on Monday destroyed the structure housing the large boilers and the fuel house before it was checked with water. Two freight cars on a siding were removed to safety.

But for the wind blowing away from the planning mill near the boiler room, that structure would also have been burned. As it was, it would probably have caught were it not for the efforts of the fire fighters who threw buckets of water on the tar room of the building. Several boys from the local school made themselves useful in this work.

No estimate of the amount of damage has been made.

Mr. J.R. Woolett was in bed at the time. We are glad to report that he is now able to be around again.

From the front page of The News Reporter, Littleton, Halifax County, April 29, 1922

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