
Friday, April 29, 2022

From Police Blotter in Halifax County, April 29, 1922

Capture Two Stills and Draw Fire. . . Sheriff’s Party Fired On By Moonshiners Near Essex—Snipers Escape. . . Alleged Distillers Held

Sheriff J.A. Hose was fired upon from ambush last Thursday, while tracing a “moonshine” still near Essex. He returned the fire, but neither party to the fight was injured. He was unable to discover his assailant, but succeeded in capturing the still.

He also captured the same morning a moonshine plant which was just about to be put in operation, with a quantity of beer. A 40 gallon copper still was brought in. No arrest was made.

Charlie Hinds, colored, was brought before Judge Nicholson at Airlie on Wednesday, charged with selling whiskey. He was bound over for trial under bail of $350.

Batt Watson, colored, and Billie Watson were also taken on a charge of making and selling whiskey. Batt was held on two charges under $600 bail. Billie was turned loose.

Robert Jenkins, colored, father of Maurice Jenkins, the 19-year-old colored youth who was killed in a row in River Township two weeks ago, has withdrawn the warrant against Phillip Wright, colored, the assailant of the dead boy. The warrant charged Wright with assaulting Jenkins with a deadly weapon. Wright is at present thought to be in Virginia.

Haywood Shearin, colored, was arrested by deputy sheriff W.N. Carter on Wednesday, charged with abandoning his wife and children, who live in Warrenton. Shearin was employed by the contractors building the town water works at the time of his arrest. He pleaded guilty before J.W. Allen, Justice of the Peace, and was required to give a bond of $50 to ensure his appearance before the recorder Monday. In default of the bond, he was placed in jail.

From the front page of The News Reporter, Littleton, Halifax County, April 29, 1922

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