
Friday, April 29, 2022

Littleton Progress on Water Reservoir, Railroad Siding, Sewerage Disposal, April 29, 1922

Work Progresses on Town Project

With the pouring of the reservoir being built on the town lot practically finished, the deep-well boring carried more than 110 feet below the surface, the siding practically completed, and the power house beginning to rise into view, the municipal property just beyond Main Street is becoming the scene of the greatest activity in town.

Mr. Payne, supervisor of concrete work done by Bacon & Moore, finished pouring the sides of the large reservoir on Thursday, and expected to have the re-enforcing in place for the concrete roof to be built on the structure by Friday night. The pouring of the roof will be finished by Saturday night, if present calculations are carried out.

The completion of the railroad siding up to the point where the level trestle is to be built enabled those in charge to roll two carloads of brick on the newly-laid track and unload directly on the ground where they are being used. The concrete bases for the trestle supports are now being made.

Layers of rock are frequently encountered as the drill goes deeper into the earth. Some water has been encountered but not in sufficient quantity.

The erection of the brick power house has proceeded far enough to permit the placing of the door frames.

Excavators to the northwest of the town have been digging through heavy clay in ditching in that direction for the sewerage disposal point there. Water has also been encountered in the deep ditches.

From the front page of The News Reporter, Littleton, Halifax County, April 29, 1922

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