
Monday, April 18, 2022

Doyle's Style Shop to Open May 14, 1922

New Style Shop Will Open Here About May 15th. . . “Doyle’s” to be Opened in New Jackson Building, With B.L. Foster as Proprietor

“Doyle’s” is the name of the new exclusive style shop which will be opened about May 15 in the new Jackson building in the room adjoining Dr. Harry Sample’s offices.

Mrs. E.H. Doyle is the buyer and manager of the new shop, and B.L. Foster the proprietor. Mrs. Grady Justus, formerly with Goldman’s, will be saleslady in the new establishment.

Doyle’s will carry full lines of sport clothes, underthings, hosiery, gloves, notions, and art goods, of the best and latest styles and at reasonable prices, the new manager stated yesterday.

Mrs. Doyle was formerly with Anthony Brothers as the New York buyer and manager of the ladies’ department. She has had experience with some of the big department stores in the larger cities, among them Mondel Brothers of Chicago and Halley’s of Memphis. She is now in New York buying a complete stock of goods for the firm.

Mr. Foster, who is the proprietor of the firm, Foster’s Fancy Grocery, in the old Jackson building, is recognized as one of the city’s most progressive young business men.

From the front page of The Hendersonville News, Tuesday, April 18, 1922

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