
Saturday, April 2, 2022

Roberta Griffin Best Biscuit Baker in the County, April 2, 1922

Winter Park Student Wins Biscuit Contest

Prize winners of the “better biscuit” contest, which has been conducted for the past month by Miss Florence Jeffress, home demonstration agent, and teachers of the schools throughout the county, were announced yesterday following the judging in Miss Jeffress’ office in the customs house by Mrs. E.T. Smith, district home demonstration agent of Goldsboro. First place in the baking contest went to Miss Roberta Griffin of Winter Park school, being awarded the $5 prize given by the county board of education. Second prize, $2, was given to Miss Luezella Smith of Oak Hill school.

The 35 contestants who won out in the school trials were assembled yesterday morning at Room 132 customs house, where their products were adjudged by Mrs. Smith Following the conclusion of the judging, the pupils went to the Y.W.C.A. for luncheon. A matinee at a local theater, by courtesy of the Howard-Wells Amusement company, completed the program for the day.

A unique feature of the contest was that two boys entered the realm supposed to be devoted more or less to the activities of the girl pupils. One of the boys, Woodrow Russ, took sixth prize in the competition and was awarded a Pyrex baking dish.

Others who received prizes were Lonnie Smith, third prize, an aluminum pan; Helen Wells, Masonboro school, fourth prize, a Pyrex baking dish; and Marie Trask, Winter Park, fifth prize, a Pyrex baking dish.

Every school in the county entered the contest and the pupils evidenced a great deal of interest throughout. The end of the contest was the delightful day which the young people spent with Miss Jeffress and Mrs. Smith in the city.

From The Wilmington Morning Star, April 2, 1922

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