
Tuesday, May 3, 2022

J.H Weaver Of Hollis Dies of Brights Disease, May 3, 1922

Mr. J.H. Weaver Dies on Hollis Route 1

Mr. J.H. Weaver of Hollis, Route 1, died at his home Sunday, April 23, of Brights disease, at the age of 63 years and six months. Mr. Weaver had been in declining health for some time, but not until about two weeks ago were relatives and friends prepared for the worst.

He was married to Miss Eliza Ledford in 1884 who survives with six children: Mrs. Esper Ledford of Rock Hill, S.C.; Messrs. Roy Weaver of Bostic, J.F. Weaver of Camp Bragg, Fayetteville; J.V. Weaver of Lawndale, R-1; Zeno and Miss Docia Weaver of Hollis, R-1; and one sister, Mrs. Julius Mode of near Belwood.

Mr. Weaver was a good father, husband and citizen, and as a neighbor was scarcely excelled, being a man of high integrity and honor in all matters of friendship, and his dealings with his fellow-men. He was always ready to do his part in any undertaking and seemed to find great pleasure in doing so.

The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Mr. Morris at Mt. Moriah church Monday afternoon, where many relatives and friends were gathered to pay their last respect to one whom they loved.

The remains were tenderly laid to rest in the church cemetery nearby beneath a mound of flowers to await the Resurrection morn.

From the front page of the Forest City Courier, May 3, 1922

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