
Tuesday, May 3, 2022

News From Washburn, Forest City High School, Caroleen, May 3, 1922

Washburn’s News

A wedding of interest to the many friends throughout the community was solemnized at the home of Mrs. Joe Philbecks last Tuesday at 3 p.m. when Miss Lillie Mae became the bride of Mr. McKinney Earley. The ceremony was performed by Rev. L.L. Smith in the presence of only immediate relatives and a few close friends. Immediately after the ceremony the bride and groom left for Gastonia where they will make their home.

Miss Alice Dobbins spent the week-end with her friend, Miss Pearl Wells.

Memorial services at Salem church will be Sunday 14th. Memorial services will be at Cedar Grove, 21st. Memorial will be at Hopewell, 28th.

Howard Wells, of Rutherford College, is attending the revival in Charlotte.


High School Notes

The Junior class organized Thursday afternoon. Frank Biggerstaff was elected President; Francis Holmes, Vice-President, and Mary Alice Smith, Secretary. The Juniors will be ushers during commencement. The Juniors class colors are green and white. There are 15 members of the class, and will make a large graduating class next year.

The Helen Keller Society met on Friday, April 28, for the last time this year. After the roll call and Chaplain duties, an election of officers was held for the following year. The following officers were elected: President, Mary Alice Smith; Vice-President, Ruth Mears; Secretary, Virginia Link; Censor, Helen Davis.

After the election the following Seniors made talks to the Society: Orland Moore, Helen Covington, Louise Harrill, Flora Marks, Della Collins and Anemo Kanipe.

The Old Hickory Literary Society, Forest City High School, met on Friday afternoon, April 28th, for the last time of this term. After the roll call and the Chaplain duty, an election of officers for the following year was held. The following were elected: Frank Biggerstaff, President; Clyde Whitlock, Vice-President; Wade Matheney, Secretary and Treasurer; John Reid, Censor; Robert Lee Harrill, Chaplain.

Program Committee—Paul McDaniel, James Padgett, Romulus Long.

Then each of the following Seniors made a talk to the society: Ralph Biggerstaff, Foye Biggerstaff, Earl Carswell, Geo. Holmes, Burge Harrill, Herbert Justice, Delbert Morgan, Charles B. Trammel, and Hiram Watkins. Then followed speeches by Capt. B.L. Smith and Prof. Peele.

Miss Louise Harrill won the Dr. Young medal Friday night in the debate held to select the best debater of the Forest City High School. The other speakers that took part in this contest were Miss Mary Alice Smith, Ralph Biggerstaff and Hiram Watkins. All the speakers did well, and Miss Harrill is to be congratulated on winning over so able opponents.



A large crowd attended the fifth Sunday convention held at the Baptist church last Sunday. Everybody present enjoyed and profited by the splendid addresses and talks. The Missionary ladies proved their ability to cook by the bountiful dinner they spread in the church grove; there was plenty and some to spare. A good many of the ladies carried out dinner to the sick of the town.

Among the many delegates that attended the convention were Mr. and Mrs. A.B. Smart and family of Mooresville.

Miss Alda Mae Sparks spent last week-end in Henrietta and attended the High School play.

Misses Thelma and Ruby Michael of Marion are visiting their sister, Mrs. M.F. Hamrick.

Rev. Charles Gillespie and Joe Hamrick, former students of Boiling Springs High School, were pleasant visitors in Caroleen Sunday.

Miss Ruth Blanton is spending this week in Mooresboro with Miss Katie Lou Smart.

Miss Ella Lynch, who is teaching at Cliffside, spent the week-end with homefolks.

Rev. W.T. Tate will arrive the last of this week from Louisville, Ky. He will preach at the Baptist church Sunday night.

The members of the B.Y.P.U. enjoyed a special Sunday night, Mrs. M.F. Hamrick as the leader. The following is the program:

Scripture—Wilma Stalnaker.

Introduction by the leader.

Talk by Rev. W.L. Brown.

Quartet—“the Old Rugged Cross” by Misses Thelma and Ruby Michael, Charles Gillespie and Joe Hamrick.

Bible quiz—Annie Wilson.

Talk by Charles Gillespie.

Song by B.Y.P.U.

Talk by Rev. C.F. Barton.

After the singing of another quartet the Union was dismissed by Mr. Brown.

The B.Y.P.U. is now an A-1 standard and is rapidly growing under the efficient leadership of B.M. Melton as president and the hard working group captains.

From the front page of the Forest City Courier, May 3, 1922

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