
Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Local Furniture Gains Value if Shipped to New York and Then Back Home, May 10, 1922

Lexington to New York and Back to Lexington

Putting a New York label on a thing is something to a great piece of “bunkum,” but it often works magic with the buyers, whether he be merchants or the person wo buys at retail from the merchant. Many instances have been found in North Carolina were products made in the State have not found the sale at home they should have but when shipped to the New York or some other big distribution point and given a new tag have been sent right back to the community in which they were made and found a big sale.

Some things like that have happened in Lexington. Not long ago it is said a certain manufacturer here was talking to a local merchant about handling his line. In the course of the conversation the merchant said: “You know the best line of that kind I can find is the one I get from Jones and Company of New York.” (Only that wasn’t the name.)

“Yes,” replied the local manufacturer, “Jones and Company do sell good goods. We have just shipped them a rather large order this week. They buy a good deal of their stuff from us.”

“You don’t mean it,” said the Lexington merchant in surprise.

The New York firm are labelers and distributors only.

It is said, indeed, that a great deal of “Grand Rapids” furniture sold in this section can be manufacturers in Lexington, Thomasville, and High Point.

From the Dispatch, as reprinted on the front page of The Davie Record, Mocksville, N.C., Wednesday, May 10, 1922

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