
Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Lucy Garrett Pittenger Has Died, May 17, 1922

Mrs. Pittenger Dies After Month’s Illness

Mrs. Lucy Garrett Pittenger, wife of Dr. I. McK. Pittenger, former rector and now rector emeritus of the church of the Good Shepherd, Raleigh, died yesterday afternoon at 1 o’clock at Rex Hospital, where she had been for several weeks. A month ago Mrs. Pittenger suffered a stroke of paralysis.

In a resolution adopted by a rising vote the Diocesan Convention in session at the Church of the Good Shepherd yesterday afternoon when the death of Mrs. Pittenger was announced, expressed its sympathy for the bereaved clergyman.

Besides her husband, Mrs. Pittenger is survived by her two step-children, Mrs. Leigh Skinner and Paul Pittenger, and by a sister, Mrs. Spooner Harrison of Enfield, who was with her during her illness.

Mrs. Pittenger was widely known and generally loved. The funeral services will take place this afternoon at 5 o’clock at the Church of the Good Shepherd, the services being conducted by Rev. C.A. Ashby, assisted by Bishop Joseph Blount Cheshire and the Episcopal clergymen of Raleigh. The pallbearers will be the vestrymen of the church.

From The News & Observer, as reprinted on the front page of The Daily Southerner, Tarboro, N.C., May 17, 1922

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