
Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Miss Marion Millner Receives Nursing Degree in Asheville, May 11, 1922

Miss Marion Millner Graduates in Asheville

The following from the Asheville Citizen will be of much interest in Morganton. Miss Milner is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Millner and is very popular in her home town:

“Six nurses will be awarded diplomas at the graduating exercises of the Biltmore hospital, to be held Wednesday evening, May 17, at the Parish house, Biltmore. The program will be under the auspices of the board of trustees. A reception will follow the graduation exercises and dancing will be an outstanding feature.

Members of the graduating class are Mamie Shroat, Edith Cotterill, Sara Taylor, Elsie Hayes, Masie Danieles and Marion Millner.”

From the front page of The News-Herald, Morganton, N.C., May 11, 1922

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