
Thursday, May 26, 2022

Stella Maybell Treadway, 6 Months, Died, May 26, 1922

Stella Maybell Treadway

After a brief illness the infant child of Woodard Tredaway passed away and was buried beside her mother on the hill over looking Mr. Jim Wilson’s home here on Little Pine Creek.

She was born October 20, 1921, and died April 28th, 1922.

Although her days were so few here with us, by her sweet baby ways and sunny smiles not-with-standing the suffering, she seemed to be passing through many times, little Stella so endeared herself in the hears of father and grand parents that the home now seems more than empty, with mother and baby both gone.

“Only a tender flower

Sent to us to rear;

Only a gift to love

While we are here.

Only a baby small

Never at rest;

Small, but how dear to us

God knoweth best.”

From the front page of The News Record, Marshall, Madison County, Friday, May 26, 1922. The headline spelled the family name as Treadway, but the article spelled it Tredaway. I don't know which is correct.

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