
Thursday, May 26, 2022

Supreme Court Report From Louisburg, May 26, 1922

Charlie Tayborn Gets 30 Years. . . Judge Devlin Cleans Docket. . . Quite a Large Number of Small Cases Disposed Of—Report of Grand Jury and Solicitor

The May term of Franklin Superior Court came to a close on last Friday afternoon after having practically cleaned up the docket. Judge W.A. Devlin (Devin?) presided and delivered a strong and forceful charge to the grand jury. The State was ably represented by Solicitor H.E. Norris.

The following were selected as a grand jury: Malcolm McKinne, foreman, B.M.C. Mullen, J.T. Tharrington, J.B. Smith, G.W. Styles, S.J. Howard, G.W. Aycocke, W.J. Boone, W.C. Stallings, H.M. May, M.C. Mullen, P.A. Duke, W.C. Collins, W.D. Foster, J.T. Holden, J.C. Dodson, B.C. Strickland, R.C. Beck, C.C. Johnson, officer.

The docket was taken up and disposed of as follows:

State vs A.C. Gray, l and r, nol pros with leave.

State vs Charlie Teasley, assault, nol pros with leave.

State vs M.D. Reames, ccw, alias capias and continued.

State vs Frank Wall, l and r, alias capias and continued.

State vs Henry Dunston, fraud, nol pros with leave.

State vs Ed Richardson, ccw, lol pros with leave.

State vs Bourbon Medlin, appeal, nol pros.

State vs Ed Williamson, adw, trial, guilty, 6 months in jail to be hired out to pay costs.

State vs Hubert Jeffries, ccw, pleads guilty, $50 fine and costs.

State vs Robert Jeffries, ccw, nol pros with leave.

State vs Buddie Burnett, ccw, continued to October Court.

State vs James Davis, adw, trial, not guilty.

State vs Rochelle Addison and Jodie Gupton, affray, alias capias and continued.

State vs W.J. Parker, false pretense alias capias and continued.

State vs James Erwin Hawkins, disturbing public worship, pleads guilty, judgment suspended upon payment of costs.

State vs A.D Conn, defendant enters pleas of assault on female, judgment suspended upon payment of costs and defendant to enter into bond for good behavior and appear at October Term 1922.

State vs M.S. Lancaster, adw, waives bill and pleads guilty to simple assault, judgment suspended upon payment of costs.

State vs. M.W. Lancaster, ccw, nol pros.

State vs. Andrew Conn and A.w. Perry Jr., scifa discharged.

State vs. W.H. and H.B. Ferrell, disposing of mortgaged property, continued.

State vs E.L. Egerton, appeal, called and failed, ni scifa capias and continued.

State vs R.L. Hamilton, violating automobile law, called and failed, ni scifa capias and continued.

State vs James Alston, adw and ccw, trial not guilty.

State vs Joe Kingsbury, false pretense, judgment six months on roads. This judgment to be stricken out if the defendant gives bond to appear at October Court and show that he has paid costs and Mr. Allen $80.

State vs Hugh Freeman, l and r, continued.

State vs Alonza Hagwood and Savannah Perry, f and a, continued.

State vs John Spivey, larceny, pleads guilty, 18 months on roads.

State vs J.E. Wright, ccw, pleads guilty, fined $50 and costs.

State vs James Davvis (probably meant Davis), ccw, guilty, 8 months in jail, leave to hire out to pay fine and costs.

State vs H.R. Smith, adw, pleads guilty, 6 months on raods.

State vs Peter Myrick, l and r, mistrial.

State vs Claude Tayborn, murder, pleads guilty to second degree, 30 years in State prison.

State vs Claude Tayborn, ccw, pleads guilty, judgment suspended.

State vs Will Allen, ccw, not guilty.

State vs Jake Neal and others, adw, all guilty except Bessie Moore.

The criminal docket being completed, a number of divorce and civil cases were disposed of.

From the front page of The Franklin Times, Louisburg, N.C., Friday, May 26, 1922. The judge's name was spelled Devlin in this article and Devin in the next article. I don't know which is correct.

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