
Monday, June 20, 2022

Bolt Of Lightning Strikes Daniels Home

Lightning Sets Fire To Mattress; Occupants of Bed Unharmed and Fail to Be Aroused

Early Sunday morning the home of Mr. W.D. Daniel of Battleboro was struck by lightning.

The lightning hit the chimney, went down through the roof, glanced to the bed where two of his girls were sleeping, set fire to the mattress of the bed just between the two girls, jumped to the floor, and as it passed out of the house it made a large hole in the floor.

Mr. Daniels, becoming alarmed, went upstairs to his daughters’ room and found them both fast asleep. Upon further examination he found seven panes of window glass broken in shivers (slivers?).

No one in the house was hurt, and beyond the burnt mattress, the hole in the floor and the crushed window glass, there was no other damage in the building.

From the front page of The Daily Southerner, Tarboro, N.C., June 20, 1922. Last name spelled Daniel on first reference and Daniels on subsequent references.

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