
Monday, June 20, 2022

Kyser, Dunn, Harris Paddle 90 Miles Down Tar River, June 20, 1922

Boys Make Night Trip on the Tar. . . Three Boys From Rocky Mount Make Record Trip by Canoe Over 90 Miles of Tar River; Unable to Pitch Tent During Storm Last Night

The storm last night did not hinder three boys from Rocky Munt in making their canoe voyage over 90 miles of the Tar River to this point. The three lads, James Kyser, Roy Dunn and James Harris, left Rocky Mount yesterday at 11 a.m. and did not let up until they arrived here this morning.

The original schedule was to camp during the night, having been prepared to pitch their canvas along the banks while en route. However, the heavy rainfall prevented this rest and they paddled on.

The time made by these boys is, so far as The Southerner knows, the best yet made on this stretch of Tar River. The distance is estimated to be about 90 miles, and while not navigable to large craft, offers little resistance to the canoe.

From the front page of The Daily Southerner, Tarboro, N.C., June 20, 1922

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