
Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Caroleen, Spindale, Henrietta, West End News, June 15, 1922

Caroleen News

Miss Ruth Higgins and Miss Emily Hollifield have returned home from the North Carolina College for Women. Miss Higgins graduated there this year.

Memorial services were held at the new cemetery Sunday.

Eleven new converts were baptized at the church Tuesday night as a result of the revival meeting.

Quite a number of Caroleen people are attending the tent meeting at Avondale.

The members of the B.Y.P.U. enjoyed a social last Saturday night at the home of Miss Wilma Stalnaker.

Messrs. John Whitesides, Simmons Lynch, Leon Frye and Lewis Francis spent the week-end at Concord.

Mr. Robert Poole has returned home from Wake Forest, where he was a student the past term.

Mr. W.C. Lynch was a visitor in town last week.

Spindale News Notes

Miss Ruth Ellis entertained a number of friends at a party at her home Saturday evening.

Dr. Albert Cline, dentist of Gilkey, has opened up an office and begun practice on the second floor of the Office Building.

One of the best games of the season was played on the local diamond Saturday between the home team and Cliffside. From the third until the last of the ninth the playing would have been a credit to a league team with the exception of the errors. All players were on their toes and did their part in the splendid team work. In the second inning the score stood 2-5 for Cliffside. Neither side scored any more until the last half of the ninth. Jones got a three-bagger; Nanney’s long right field fly was caught by the first baseman. Hardin fanned and for a few minutes it appeared as though Jones would be left on the third sac. However, he scored on an error. Howard, pinch hitting for Hovis and Poteat and Williams were all walked, putting three men on the path. Millwood smashed out for a three-bagger for Spindale and scored the three men, bringing the score to 6-5 for Spindale.

Summary, Spildale: 2-base hits—Poteat, Cagle. Three-base hits—Millwood, Jones. Hits apportioned off of—Poteat, 11, Hovis, 0. Struck out by Poteat, 6; Hovis, 4. Number of innings pitched by Poteat, 7; Hovis, 2. Double Plays Millwood to Higgins, Lynch to Cagle.

Summary, Cliffside: Two-base hits, Bland. Three-base hits—Padgett. Hits apportioned off—Splawn, 4; Lancaster, 3. Hit Batsman Splawn 1. Bases on balls off, Splawn 1; Lancaste 3. Struck out by Splawn, 8; Lancaster, 3.


Henrietta News

Mr. and Mrs. H.R. Camnitz, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. C.E. Alcock of Forest City, motored to Asheville Sunday, where they met Mrs. H.R. Camnitz of Louisville, Ky., mother of Mrs. Alcock and Mr. Camnitz. She comes to spend a few months here, we are glad to learn.

Miss Alma Whitaker, of near Bostic, has accepted a position with the Henrietta Mills Store, No. 1. We are glad to welcome Miss Whitaker among us and hope she will like her new work.

Misses Lillian Belk and Sallie Wacaster spent the week-end most pleasantly with Mrs. K.B. Pratt.

Mrs. L.C. Cobb, of the Henrietta Mills Store, No. 1, is taking her vacation.

Miss Ola Marion of Salome, N.C., is spending a few days with Miss Mattie Whisnant.

Mr. William U. Hicks of Durham, N.C., is visiting Mr. John Tabor for a few days.

Miss Elma Scoggins spent the week-end with relatives in Mooresboro.

Mr. Perry Wiseman, who is taking special work at the Rutherford Hospital, spent Sunday at home.


West End News

Mr. J.P. Williamson of the Carolina Motor Co. made a business trip to Charlotte Monday.

Miss Ethyl Robinson of Trinity College is at home for her vacation. She graduated there this spring.

Mr. Robert Long returned to Chimney Rock to his work this week. He has a position with the Chimney Rock Co.

Mr. G.W. Long Jr. motored to Chimney rock last Sunday.

Mrs. Alpha Cole has moved into her attractive new bungalow at West End.

Mr. and Mrs. P.L. Marks motored to Asheville Monday. They will return Wednesday.

Mrs. George Sinclair is very sick this week. Her friends wish for her a speedy recovery.

Mr. D.M. Carver is still very sick. The good people of the community wish for her a speedy recovery.

Mr. D.M. Carver is still very sick. The good people of the community met at his home Monday afternoon and worked out his crop. This act of kindness is greatly appreciated by Mr. Carver.

From the front page of the Forest City Courier, June 15, 1922

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