
Wednesday, June 15, 2022

North River, Wire Grass, Core Creek News, June 15, 1922

North River News

Misses Georgia Wade and Lucy Beachem returned home Wednesday from Greensboro after spending the past winter there as students of the N.C.C.W. M. Tom Willis spent a few hours in Morehead City Wednesday.

Mrs. Earl Moore and little son of Beaufort spent the past week-end with her father.

Misses Thelma, Lela and Georgia Wade attended church at Russell’s Creek Sunday.

Mrs. Primrose Gooding spent Saturday at Davis.

Mrs. Katie Gooding is spending this week at Harlowe.

Miss Lillian Piver, Lucy Beachem and Thelma Wade spent a few hours at Bettie Saturday.

Miss Lela Wade left Thursday morning for Greensboro where she will attend Summer School.

Corbett Norris, Elbert Felton, Norman Smith were visitors here Sunday night.


News From Core Creek

We are having a few days of sunshine, which is very acceptable to the farmers, “King Green” was ruling supreme.

Childrens’ Day was observed by the Sunday School at this place Sunday night. Quite a crowd was in attendance, and every thing passed off fine. The children received many compliments.

Mr. D.W. Sabiston spent Friday in New Bern.

Miss Magnolia Cheek returned to her home at Harlowe Monday after spending a week with Miss Beulah Dickinson.

Mr. Alex Foreman was a business visitor at Beaufort Friday.

Marvia Foreman was the guest of Miss Hazel Whitley Sunday afternoon.

Mr. M.C. Dickinson was a business visitor in Beaufort Monday.


Wire Grass Items

Messrs. Leaton and Henry Dudley spent Sunday afternoon at North Harlowe and Blades.

Miss Mattie Lee Taylor spent Tuesday night at Core Creek visiting.

Quite a number of former neighbors attended Childrens’ Day exercises at Core Creek Sunday night.

Mr. W.G. Dudley and family were in Beaufort Saturday night attending the Chautauqua.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Taylor gave their son Willie a birthday party Friday night, it being his 14th birthday. Quite a crowd of young folks gathered there, games were played and about 9:30 ice cream and cake were served and at 10 they all departed for home declaring they had spent a very enjoyable evening.

Miss Effie Dudley spent Saturday night at Russell’s Creek the guest of Miss Lucy Dale.

Mr. J.T. Norris was in New Bern on business.

From The Beaufort News, Thursday, June 15, 1922

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