
Thursday, June 30, 2022

Department of Agriculture Wants Dr. B.W. Kilgore to Go to Washington, D.C., June 29, 1922

Co-Operatives After Kilgore. . . Would Rob State of Her Great Agricultural Expert. . . Farmer’s Organization Has Offered Him Handsome Salary and Responsibility

By Brock Barkley

Raleigh, June 28—the co-operative marketing movement is after Dr. B.W. Kilgore, director of the state’s agricultural extension service, with an offer of thrice his present salary and an executive position of great responsibility.

He has not reached a decision as to accepting the offer yet, and the state will likely make an effort to retain his services. It is understood the joint committee on agricultural extension will meet tomorrow to see what can be done towards inducing him to remain at the head of the agricultural work in North Carolina.

The cotton cooperative movement wants him to assume, it is understood, general charge of the work in the southeast. In going after Dr. Kilgore, the cooperatives are keeping in line with the policy of the movements to procure the services of the biggest men obtainable.

Dr. Kilgore, head of the state’s agricultural extension service for 25 years, is recognized as one of the most thoroughly equipped and experienced agricultural experts in the country. His advice and counsel is sought by agricultural organizations all over the United States. He is considered one of the state’s most valuable officials, and for that reason his loss to the department of agriculture would be serious.

From the front page of The Charlotte Observer, Thursday morning, June 29, 1922

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