
Thursday, June 30, 2022

Edgar Walker Pharr, Leading Charlotte Citizen, June 29, 1922

Charlotte Builders

A series of pen etchings of men of Affairs by Larry Palmer, noted artist of the New York World. These Sketches were made from photographs by Cooke.


Story by David Shaw

Now we have a thorobred Mecklenburg exhibit—to the manor born. As a representative Charlottean, Edgar Walker Pharr is a credit to the higher type of North Carolina citizenship. On the Pharr farm beyond Myers Park is where he developed a tall and stalwart physique. There is was he was born March 4, 1899, to those stanch citizens, Mr. Walker S. and Mrs. Jennie E. (Walker) Pharr.

A burning ambition for education obsessed him even when a boy. He proved a bright pupil in the rural public schools. The Charlotte University school taught him efficiently in 1905-6. In further development of his unusual mental faculties, A.R. P. Erskine College, Due West, S.C., enrolled him in 1906, where he graduated with A.B. degree in 1909. Determining to adopt the course of law as a business profession, Edgar took advantage of facilities of the legal department, University of North Carolina, where he studied in 1909-10, followed by instructions in the Charlotte law office of Thaddeus A. Adams. Mr. Pharr was licensed to practice the profession of law in 1912. From 1910 to `9`1 he was associated with Pharr & Bell, lawyers. Since 1912 he has been engaged in general law practice in the courts of this state. July 1, 1921, E. McA. Currie and Edgar Pharr formed the law firm of Pharr & Currie. Upon the new floors of the Law building their fine suite of offices is numbered 405-7-9. Mr. Pharr is identified with the following organizations: State and county bar associations, Tabernacle A.R.P. church; Y.M.C.A.; Knights of Pythias, past chancellor commander Rathbone lodge No. 37; royal prince (past royal vizier) Suez Temple no. 73 D.O.K.K.; Phalanx lodge No. 31 A.F. and A.M.; Charlotte Chapter No. 39; Charlotte commandery No. 2; Oasis Temple of the Shrine; Woodman of the World; Charlotte Chamber of Commerce; Good fellows’ club.

Senator Edgar Pharr has represented Mecklenburg in the general assembly of North Carolina since 1917, recently being nominated in democratic primary for his fourth successive term. His work as a legislator was characterized by the enactment of constructive laws for the development of his state. As one of the brainy young leaders, he was aligned with every progressive movement to build North Carolina a better commonwealth to live in. The Pharr-Matthews bill, enacted into law in 1919, marks one of his distinguished achievements. Under this legislation the state highway commission was formed and did its first constructive road work under direction Chairman Frank Page. Furthermore, it directly influenced passage later road laws and was the active germ that developed the $50 million bond issue for road-building.

As Mecklenburg chairman, war savings committee, Pharr put his county in state leadership as purchaser of war savings stamps, the people buying over a million dollars of these government securities. When it is considered that only $1,000 of them was permitted to be sold to one person, this patriotic campaign can be put down as remarkable one.

October 15, 1914, Miss Alta Ruth Knox, one of Atlanta’s fair rosebuds, and Mr. Edgar Pharr were married. To this union one child has been born: Charlotte Walker Pharr, six years old. On that broad and magnificent and beautiful East Boulevard house at 203, the lives of the members of this popular family synchronize with all the sweet things that Nature so lavishly has provided in Dilworth environs.

Edward Walker Pharr is a solid asset in the corporation known as Charlotte.

From the front page of The Charlotte Observer, Thursday morning, June 29, 1922

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