
Sunday, June 19, 2022

McLaurin's Car Turned Over, Mrs. McLaurin Seriously Injured, June 18, 1922

McLaurin’s Car Is Turned Over. . . Cheraw Party Injured This Side of Monroe in Auto Mishap

Seated on the rear seat of the automobile holding her 2-year-old child in her lap, Mrs. P.C. McLaurin of Cheraw, S.C., was seriously injured when the car overturned on a detour of the Monroe road, 10 miles this side of Monroe, Friday night. The baby in her lap escaped without a scratch.

Mrs. L.G. Lowry, also of Camden, is confined to bed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E.F. Gallagher, 1003 East Eighty street, relatives, suffering with bruises on the body and a sprained back, received at the same time. Lila Lowry, 10, daughter of Mrs. Lowry, is also suffering with bruises.

Mr. McLaurin, who was driving the car, also received minor bruises but was not confined to bed. Three small children of the McLaurins, aged 2, 4, and 7, respectively, were also in the car but were not hurt.

The McLaurins were enroute to Charlotte where Mr. and Mrs. McLaurin expected to undergo slight operations.

The Monroe ambulance brought Mrs. McLaurin to the Presbyterian Hospital here. She was unconscious and remained so for the greater part of the night. Passing automobiles picked up the others and brought them to Charlotte.

From The Charlotte News, Sunday morning, June 18, 1922

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