
Tuesday, June 14, 2022

N.L. Finch, Accused of Misappropriating Funds, Waives Preliminary Hearing, June 14, 1922

Alleged Embezzler Waives Preliminary Wilson, June 14—The preliminary hearing before Mayor E.F. Killette that was set for today in the case of the State against N.L. Finch, for alleged misappropriation of funds of the L.S. Tomlinson and Company, Inc., chain of stores, was waived by the defendant’s attorneys and a justified bond for $20,000 was renewed for the appearance of Mr. Finch at the September term of the Wilson County Superior Court. Mr. Finch’s attorneys advise that no preparation for the defense can be made until the bill of indictment is found setting forth some particular act constituting the offense charged. From the front page of the Fayetteville Observer, June 14, 1922

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