
Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Observe Flag Day with Fayetteville Elks Lodge, June 14, 1922

Elks to Observe Flag Day with a Special Service. . . Program Announced for Event to Be Held at Elks Lodge Rooms This Evening

Plans for the Flag Day exercises which are to be held by the local Elks lodge, beginning at 8 o’clock sharp tonight at the Elks lodge rooms on Hay street are completed, and it is believed that the exercises will be well attended not only by members of the Lodge but by the general public as well.

The program for the event tonight was announced today as follows:

Music “Star Spangle Banner”—17 F.A. Orchestra, Camp Bragg Elks.

Introductory Exercises A.B. McMillan—Exalted Ruler and Officers.

Prayer—R.H. Upton, Chaplain.

Song—Columbia, Gem of the Ocean—Quartette of Elks.

Flag Record—Hon. J. Bayard Clark.

Altar Services—James. S. McNeill, Esquire, and Officers.

Song—Auld Lang Syne—Entire Lodge.

Elks Tribute to the Flag—Past Exalter.

Music—Southern Airs—17th F.A. Orchestra, “Maryland,” “My Old Kentucky Home” and “Dixie.”

Recitation Address—Miss Lucy Cooper.

Patriotic Address—Bro. J. Bayard Clark.

Violin Solo—Miss Anita Ast, violinist, accompanied by Max W. Ast.

Musical Entertainer—Bro. P.G. Jiminez, 17th F.A. Orchestra.

Claranet Solo—Bro. Frof. McCormic, 17th F.A. Orchestra.

Song “America”—Entire Lodge and Audience.

Refreshments will be served by Mrs. George F. Gahr, Mrs. E.E. Gorham, Miss Agnes Maloney and Miss Lucy Cooper.

The Public is cordially invited to attend these exercises.

The Committee has spared no time in getting up this program for their Brothers and their Friends.

From the front page of the Fayetteville Observer, June 14, 1922

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