
Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Rev. Sam Maxwell Changes Dance Hall Crowd into Prayer Meeting, June 28, 1922

Revivalist Turns Dance Into a Prayer Meeting

Murphy, June 27—the Maxwell-Powell evangelistic campaign, which has been in progress here for the past week, is creating a bit of a stir. Last Saturday night Sam Maxwell, after learning that a dance was to be given in the same hotel at which he was stopping and at an hour which would conflict with the night service, entered the dance hall in the midst of a gay crowd of dancers and started a prayer meeting. Jazz music and skipping heels were quieted for one night in Murphy. This act on the part of the evangelist was regarded as showing him to be a fearless man who does not use his pulpit as a cloak in which to ridicule.

Large congregations are attending the services in which much interest is being shown.

From the Concord Daily Tribune, June 28, 1922

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