
Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Sam Belk in Poor Shape After Being Badly Burned, June 28, 1922

Union Young Man Is in an Awful Plight

Monroe, June 26—Reports from relatives and friends of Sam Belk, who was so badly burned at his home in Buford township a few nights ago when his clothing caught fire from a match that he unthoughtedly struck while working on a gas pipe to his automobile, are to the effect that he is not getting along well at all. A man who had just been to see Mr. Belk reported Saturday that the flesh on his arm is decaying and will probably slough off.

Those who have seen Mr. Belk state that it is a pitiable sight to behold the condition he is in, and physicians are very doubtful about his recovery.

From the Concord Daily Tribune, June 28, 1922

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