
Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Salesman Becomes Suddenly Insane at Wilson Hotel, June 28, 1922

Salesman Became Suddenly Insane. . . Jumps three Floors From Wilson Hotel; Is Later Placed in Hospital

Wilson, June 27—C.S. Young of Atlanta, Ga., a traveling man who had been in Wilson for the past week, was taken to a local hospital today suffering from temporary insanity.

Mr. Young was a guest at the Briggs hotel. Last night he became apparently insane and jumped from the third floor to the second from the outside wall of the building, which is somewhat dismantled, undergoing repairs. The man then jumped to the first floor. He received severe bruises about the legs but was not seriously hurt. He seemed to be laboring under the delusion that he was being pursued by several people. He was detained last night by the police and today was taken toa local hospital for treatment.

From the Concord Daily Tribune, June 28, 1922

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