
Friday, June 17, 2022

Sentenced in Halifax Superior Court, June 1922

Halifax Court Ends June Term. . . Many Cases on Docket, Mostly for Crimes of Minor Nature—Judge Allen Presides. . . Numerous Liquor Cases

The June term of Halifax County Superior Court convened in Halifax on last Monday morning, Judge Oliver Allen presiding. There were a large number of cases on the docket, mot of which were of a minor nature.

Among the cases disposed of were:

Jasper Thompson, selling liquor, judgement suspended upon payment of costs, defendant recognized for 12 months. Another case arising out of the John Doe investigation held by Judge Cranmer last Summer.

Macey and Bennie Boswell, charged with short changing various merchants of Roanoke Rapids, evidently decided that discretion was the better part of valor, and forfeited bonds for their appearance.

J.H. Mitchell, carrying concealed weapons, judgment suspended upon payment of costs.

Charlie and Herbert Purvis, affray, three months each on the county roads.

Steve Hoggins, liquor, three months on the county roads.

Collier Burgess, liquor, three months on the county roads.

Moses Peyton, assault and battery, judgment suspended upon payment of costs.

Pat Jones, forgery, three months on the county roads.

Rodwell, Parker, carrying concealed weapons, judgement suspended upon payment of costs.

Garland Mayton, larceny of automobile, judgment continued for two years upon payment of costs.

Gertrude Milby, prostitution, 30 days in jail or leave the county.

Bat Watson, liquor, three months on the county roads.

Billy Rowe, liquor, judgment suspended upon payment of costs.

Sidney Hicks, assault and battery, judgement suspended upon payment of costs.

Willie Macon, larceny and house breaking, three years in State prison.

Philip Spears and George Ashe, liquor, county roads six months for Spears; three for Ashe.

Rosa Taylor, liquor, nine months in jail with authority to hire out.

Russell Clary and Marg George, prostitution, failed to appear, bonds forfeited.

Forest Lowe, driving automobile while drunk, judgment suspended upon payment of costs.

Harry Smith, attempt to commit rape, case thrown out by the Grand Jury on account of the failure of the prosecuting witness to appear.

W.H. Snipes, attempted rape, two years in jail.

Hansom Wilkins, liquor, judgment suspended upon payment of costs.

Samuel Shearin and John Mabry, affray. Shearin $50 fine. Mabry discharged upon payment of costs.

Frank Penn, carrying concealed weapons, 30 days on the roads.

Charlie Purvis, carrying concealed weapons, three months on the roads.

Ed Harrell, assault and battery, $50 fine and costs.

From the front page of The News Reporter, Littleton, Halifax County, N.C., Saturday, June 17, 1922

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