
Friday, June 17, 2022

American Home Life, Alice Adams by Booth Tarkington, Discussed at Wymanoke Study Club, June 17, 1922

American Home Life, Subject of Wymanoke Study Club

“American Home Life” was the topic taken by the Wymanoke Study Club for discussion at the meeting at the home of Mrs., Mable Morris on Thursday. The members answered the roll call with questions on home life.

Miss Lucy Leach, President of the Club, pointed out that Booth Tarkington’s “Alice Adams” recently won the prize given by Joseph Pulitzer, founder of the Columbia School of Journalism, for the novel “which best typifies the wholesome atmosphere of American home life.” Miss Carrie H. Moore read a resume of this novel, after which Miss Mary Powell Pippen played an instrumental solo, “Evening Shadows.”

A paper on “the Life of Booth Tarkington” was read by Mrs. Cleve Stallings. A duet by Mrs. J.P. Leach Jr. and Miss Katherine Leach concluded the meeting.

From the front page of The News Reporter, Littleton, Halifax County, N.C., Saturday, June 17, 1922

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