
Friday, June 17, 2022

State News Briefs, June 15, 1922

State News Briefs

Farmer Trampled by Mule

Salisbury, June 14—M.L. Stoner, aged 53, a farmer of Providence township, is in a Salisbury hospital suffering from what physicians think will be a fatal injury the result of being knocked down and trampled by a mule he was leading.


Charlotte Man Drowns

Charlotte, June 14—Edgar D. Puett, president of the Charlotte optical company and well known optometrist, was drowned in the lake of the Mallard Creek Rod and Gun club, near here late yesterday while bathing with a party from the city.


Train Kills Boy

Lexington, June 14—Theodore Beck, 13-year-old son of Mrs. Alfred Beck of this city was instantly killed about 5 o’clock this afternoon when struck by a southbound Southern freight train about three miles south of Lexington. The barefoot lad, who had been out hunting plums and stepped out of the way of a northbound train and was watching it when he met death.


Capture Whiskey Still

Statesville, June 14—A 60-gallon copper still and 42 gallons of whiskey were captured and destroyed near Oxford Ford in Catawba county by Prohibition Agent Halyburton, Deputy Hoke, Policeman C.L. Gilbert and Ross Gilbert of Iredell, and Prohibition Agent Ray and Deputy Jake Goble of Alexander county.


Burlington Boy Drowns

Burlington, June 14—Wilbur Hobby, 14-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Hobby of this city was drowned here while in swimming with some other boys. The boy was unable to swim and had gone too far into deep water.


Beaufort Men Indicted

Beaufort, June 14—Activities of detectives from Raleigh and Greensboro have resulted in indictments being made against 15 men, white and black, on the charge of selling liquor.


Parents Leave Baby

Winston-Salem, June 14—Dock Shields, a merchant of this city, was arrested for separating a child from its mother. The mother, whose name is withheld by the police, was also arrested and confessed to her parental relation to the child, charging Shields with being its father. The child, found on the doorsteps of a home, has been placed in a local hospital.


Sorrow Kills Durham Man

Durham, June 14—Eugene Raynor of this city killed himself here Monday. He had been for a long time been brooding over the death of his wife, who died last February.


Aged Man Shoots self

Carthage, June 14—Kennie Sanders, aged 70 years, who lived near Hemp, N.C., about 10 miles from this place, was found dead Monday with a gun shot wound through his breast. The coroner’s jury found that he committed suicide.


Many Negroes Carry Pistols

Winston-Salem, June 14—As the result of several negroes in police court here in the past few days asserting that they had been authorized to carry revolvers as members of a detective agency, the chief of which, they asserted, was C.C. Douglas, a negro. Douglas was arrested today charged with aiding and abetting in carrying concealed weapons.


Heads Carolina College

Durham, June 14—Earnest J. Green, former superintendent of city schools in Durham, has been elected president of Carolina College at Maxton, N.C., according to announcement made today. He will accept, it is said.

From the front page of The Greensboro Patriot, Thursday, June 15, 1922

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