
Monday, July 4, 2022

100 Attend Simpson Family Reunion, July 4, 1922

Mr. Simpson’s Family Holds a Reunion

At their home three miles north of Monroe, July 1st, Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Simpson held their first family reunion. Mr. Simpson is 68 and Mrs. Simpson is 65 years of age. They have five children and 19 grandchildren; all of whom were present except two. It was indeed a happy occasion for this highly esteemed couple, as well as for the community, as was testified by the presence of nearly a hundred friends and neighbors who came with well-filled baskets, loading a table 3 by 40 feet in size to its full capacity.

After dinner had been served, speeches were made by Rev. J.R. Warren, Esq. J.D.A. Secrest and Hon. J.J. Parker, all of which were splendid. The principle one was made by Mr. Parker, who spoke for about an hour. His speech was fine. His subject was character and virtue. He said that we need not fear, for this government would not fail so long as we have men of character and women of virtue—upon these two pillars we must rest if we expect to exist as a republic.

We have known Mr. and Mrs. Simpson for over 40 years, and while they may not be richly possessed of this world’s goods, they have the priceless heritage of character and virtue. For all these 40 years we have never known Mr. Simpson to utter a profane word, nor touch a strong drink. Can you beat it? We believe in throwing a few flowers to a person while he is living. We hope Mr. and Mrs. Simpson will live to have many more such reunions.

--A Friend

From The Monroe Journal, Tuesday, July 4, 1922

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